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Rainbow Chicken With Pesto Recipe

Get ready to add a burst of color and flavor to your dinner table with our Rainbow Chicken with Pesto recipe! This delightful dish is a culinary canvas featuring tender marinated chicken breasts, a rainbow of fresh vegetables, and a zesty pesto dressing that ties it all together.

Whether you're looking to impress your guests or simply enjoy a colorful and delicious meal with your loved ones, this recipe is a winner. Let's dive into the steps and create a masterpiece that's as pleasing to the eye as it is to the palate!


  • courgette
  • tomato
  • onion
  • yellow pepper
  • block of cheddar cheese
  • 3 chicken breasts
  • Btl of beer
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Pesto for dressing 


  1. Cut (courgette, tomato, onion, pepper, and cheese) into small slices.
  2. Make a few slits (all depends on the size of the chicken) into the chicken breast not cutting right through.
  3. Season your chicken with salt and pepper.
  4. Fill slits with vegetables and cheese.
  5. Add oil to the pan.
  6. Scorch chicken one the pan for 2 minutes add beer, sprinkle with cheese, and cover with another pan.
  7. Cook/bake for up to 20 minutes. In the oven cook for about 25 minutes on medium heat.
  8. When the chicken is ready dress it with pesto and enjoy. 

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